What is the Standard Size of Fly Ash Bricks - PAC® Pallet | Fly Ash Brick Pallet | Pallet For Bricks, Block & Paver

What is the Standard Size of Fly Ash Bricks

The standard size of fly ash bricks predominantly used in India is 230mm x 110mm x 70mm12. This dimension can vary slightly depending on the manufacturer. Some other common sizes include 230 x 115 x 80mm and 230 x 115 x 90mm3. Larger sizes are also available, such as 12 inches by 8 inches by 6 inches.

It’s also worth noting that fly ash bricks may have a frog (a feature of the brick that is designed to hold mortar) of 100 mm in length, 40 mm in width and 10 to 20 mm deep on one of its flat sides

The size you choose will depend on what your construction project needs. Regardless of size, fly ash bricks are praised for their light weight and suitability for multi-story buildings4.


  1. https://hypko.in/fly-ash-bricks-size-weight-strength/

  2. https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-size-of-a-fly-ash-brick

  3. http://kjsconcrete.com/flyash.html

  4. https://www.indiamart.com/proddetail/fly-ash-bricks-18042810730.html 2

  5. https://www.iricen.gov.in/ModelRoom/U9_Fly%20Ash%20Brick.html

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