PAC Pallets vs. Plywood/PVC Pallets: A Comparative Study in Brick Making

In the world of brick making, the type of pallet used can significantly impact the efficiency and sustainability of the manufacturing process. This blog post will compare two popular options – Pallets for Automatic Curing (PAC Pallets) and traditional plywood/PVC pallets. We’ll examine their features, benefits, and drawbacks to help you make an informed decision.

Understanding the Pallet Types

PAC Pallets

PAC Pallets are high-strength pallets designed specifically for the automatic curing of bricks. They’re made from robust composite materials that can withstand the harsh conditions often present in brick-making environments.

Plywood/PVC Pallets

Plywood and PVC pallets are the traditional options for brick making. Plywood pallets are made from layers of wood veneer glued together, while PVC pallets are made from a type of plastic known as Polyvinyl Chloride.

PAC Pallets vs. Plywood/PVC Pallets: A Comparative Study


PAC Pallets are renowned for their exceptional durability. Unlike plywood or PVC pallets, which can warp or break under heavy loads, PAC Pallets can bear significant weight without compromising their structural integrity. This makes them ideal for heavy-duty work in brick-making factories.

On the other hand, plywood pallets are susceptible to warping and breaking, especially when exposed to moisture. PVC pallets fare better in terms of durability but can become brittle over time, especially under UV exposure.

Weather Resistance

PAC Pallets are highly resistant to various weather conditions, capable of withstanding heat, cold, humidity, and UV radiation. This makes them perfect for outdoor storage and transportation of bricks.

In contrast, plywood pallets can be severely affected by moisture, leading to rot and mold growth. PVC pallets, while resistant to moisture, can become brittle and crack in extreme cold or under prolonged UV exposure.

Environmental Impact

PAC Pallets are made from recyclable materials, reducing their environmental impact. Furthermore, their production doesn’t contribute to deforestation, unlike plywood pallets.

Plywood pallets, though made from a renewable resource, contribute to deforestation and often require chemical treatments that can harm the environment. PVC pallets, being plastic, are not biodegradable and can have a negative environmental impact if not properly recycled.


While PAC Pallets might require a higher initial investment than plywood or PVC pallets, their longevity and durability make them more cost-effective in the long run. Plywood and PVC pallets, due to their lower initial cost, might seem like economical choices, but their shorter lifespan and maintenance costs can add up over time.


When comparing PAC Pallets with plywood/PVC pallets, it becomes clear that PAC Pallets offer superior durability, weather resistance, and environmental sustainability. While the initial cost may be higher, their extended lifespan and lower maintenance requirements make them a more cost-effective choice in the long run. As the brick-making industry continues to evolve, the use of PAC Pallets is set to become even more prevalent, offering a sustainable and efficient solution for manufacturers.

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